Island of Oléron — August 17, 2016

Island of Oléron

As we bicycle onto the island of Oléron, from the bridge, we can see on our right the Louvois Fort, built by Louis XIV’s famous military architect Vauban.

It is just the beginning of Vauban’s fortifications, the next is the Citadelle of Chateau d’Oléron, that you can see below.

Oléron’s landscape is very unique. The whole island is interspersed with marshy lands that are gently shaped to accommodate the immense oyster farming industry here. The birds are, as you would expect, unique and happily eating away.

/!\ However, I do NOT recommend this island for biking /!\

There are too not nearly enough bicycle paths and the few that we have been on are very washed out. Indeed they do not pave much here because the locals are concerned about water quality and want to keep as much water infiltration as possible. You are better off going to the island of Ré for a nice biking experience.